Monday, February 23, 2009

What is SLag Magazine?

SLag Magazine (a product of SLag Magazine Inc.) is a Kitchy jaw-dropping gritty erotic Magazine with humourous and erotically entertaining stories as well as arousing articles and interviews and edgy photo essays. A pulp fetish magazine full of tattooed and pierced ladies with a modern retro flair, SLag will wet your whistle with a fresh look on erotica and the SLex industry as a whole. With the variety of fetishes out there, SLag will not limit what it covers (and uncovers) offering a variety of sexually raw pictorials and entertaining articles and reviews. We aspire to introduce old and new kinks in a different light that appeals to the masses by portraying dark edged passionate acts with an underlined tenderness. If done correctly, with attention to detail and an eye for the artistic flair, fetishes can be appreciated by anyone with an open mind and a strong sense of their own sexuality. (Not all fetishes are whips, chains, and leather...though the fun ones are!)

As a whole, we wish to bring together those who are sexually curious and explorative to share their fetishes and kinks in a safe and non-judgemental medium. The first issue will be out in April 2009 after a contest in May for the first Cover of the magazine. (details to follow soon) SLag will be a monthly magazine that targets both sexes, it will not be a typically airbrushed fake breasted fap mag just for the noobish fellas. We will include sex articles that can benefit both men and women with tastefully executed photo spreads featuring sex acts that both sexes can enjoy. Also in the magazine, we will keep the public informed with the SLag Fetish Burlesque Shows and the SLag Girls and Guys, who they are behind the act, and any future performances or appearances they may have.

What is the SLag Fetish Burlesque Show?
The SLag Fetish Burlesque performances include 5-7 individual musical stripping acts performed by the inked and pierced classy SLag Girls that will take place throughout the year, the next one to be in Early April for the SLag Magazine release party. Charged with untamed sexual energy, this kinky variety show will prove to be like none other ever seen in SL as it aims to explore both the tame and rough side of sexuality. Directed by Glamouramama Boa, also known at Glam Bam Boa, Founder and Editor-In-Chief of SLag Fetish Magazine, your eyes and ears will never forget such a unique multi-media performance.

How Can i keep up to date on SLag happenings?
There is of course, this blog.

Also, there is a *SLag Fetish Burlesque Troupe* Group in world where you can receive notices when any shows are in the works or SLag sponsored parties are going on.

We also have a flickr group where you can check out photos from the Burlesque performances: