Sunday, May 3, 2009

SLag Fetish Circus Cabaret Performance Recap!

Thank you to the wonderful people of Vagabonds Sim for hosting our SLag Fetish Cabaret Performance which was graciously sponsored by Jetdoll, Chanimations, and Glitterati Poses. Also a huge thank you to our salacious SLag Girls whose emotes made the room fill with oohs and aaahs; Olivia, Savascha, Elizabeth, Aislinn, and Barrie! Thank you to our amaaaaaazing DJ xSars and MC Francois, and our sexy Slag ushers DD and Sub! And last but never lease, our show Coordinator Alabama Smalls for organizing this entire show making sure every need was met to produce an entertaining and eccentric performance.

At the 3pmSLT performance on Saturday May 2nd, we had over 60 people on the sim and promptly crashed the entire sim as soon as the last act ended!!! Talk about perfect timing. I didn't get to say my Thank Yous to all involved, so THANK YOU EVERYONE! (Please click the photos below to view them larger.)

Alabama Smalls

SLag's circus cabaret

SLag's Circus Cabaret

MzDeeDee at SLag's Circus Cabaret

For more photos from the show and updated photos from SLag Magazine, check out our Flickr Group on a regular basis.

Our next Burlesque show will be at the Lollygagger's Lollypop Brothel in June (Exact Date TBD).

(THANK YOU to Thess Writer and Savascha for snapping a few pictures between the lag and crashes!!!)